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Monday, January 31, 2011

"What's Happening in Egypt Explained"

Good summary of the situation in Egypt here: What's Happening in Egypt Explained. (UPDATED):


"What’s happening? Inspired by the recent protests that led to the fall of the Tunisian government and the ousting of longtime Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egyptians have joined other protesters across the Arab world (in Algeria, notably) in protesting their autocratic governments, high levels of corruption, and grinding poverty. In Egypt, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets. Here’s a photo of one of the protests in Cairo, the capital (via Twitter):"

YouTube - Mree Covers: You and I (Ingrid Michaelson)

Improv Everywhere...Ice Skater


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oh no..."Mammy" died on the Oregon trail. Loose 2 days to mourn her.

This vaguely reminds me of playing the Oregon Trail as a kid.

What's crazy is the buses seem to line up for this...WHO NEEDS A BRIDGE!?

"The very act of creation reveals his love..."

"Certain facets of Jehovah’s personality are revealed by his creative works even prior to his creation of man. (Ro 1:20) The very act of creation reveals his love. This is because Jehovah is self-contained, lacking nothing. Hence, although he created hundreds of millions of spirit sons, not one could add anything to his knowledge or contribute some desirable quality of emotion or personality that He did not already possess in superior degree.—Da 7:9, 10; Heb 12:22; Isa 40:13, 14; Ro 11:33, 34."
"As revealed to man in Eden.  As what kind of person did Jehovah reveal himself to his first human children? Certainly Adam in his perfection would have had to concur with the later words of the psalmist: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.” (Ps 139:14) From his own body—outstandingly versatile among earthly creatures—on outward to the things he found around him, the man had every reason to feel awesome respect for his Creator. Each new bird, animal, and fish; each different plant, flower, and tree; and every field, forest, hill, valley, and stream that the man saw would impress upon him the depth and breadth of his Father’s wisdom and the colorfulness of Jehovah’s personality as reflected in the grand variety of his creative works. (Ge 2:7-9; compare Ps 104:8-24.) All of man’s senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch—would communicate to his receptive mind the evidence of a most generous and thoughtful Creator."

--it-2 pg. 14, Jehovah

Friday, January 21, 2011

CocoRoise - Lemonade (Music Video)

I have no idea what this song is about, but the video, the sound, and some of the poetry that I can make out is pretty cool...only the creatives need watch.

CocoRoise - Lemonade from Sub Pop Records on Vimeo.

The German Texans

The German Texans

Interesting History of the Immigration of Germans in Texas. Althtough Texas as a whole has strong German undercurrents, the strong outward culture was hidden and lost after the USA's war with Germany in WWI and II.

"Emphasis always lay on the preservation of German identity. In schools, students learned both English and German. German settlements usually offered free schools. New Braunfels eventually offered all of its young students a completely free primary education. In 1853, the singing society Sangerbund held its first German music festival. It has grown in popularity among not only German Texans, but also out-of-state participants of different ethnicities. While many German activities dissipated during World War I and II due to discrimination, the Boerne Village Band maintained an important presence. It has been applauded by Germany and the Texas Legislature for its preservation of German music. Ludwig von Roemer and Louis and Robert Kleberg, who settled the town of Cat Spring in 1832, are known for introducing Texas to its first piano, which they shipped from Germany. Kleberg’s son eventually became the owner of Texas’ famous King Ranch. Newspapers like the Galveston Zeitung and Der Bettelsades also helped perpetuate German heritage. August Siemering, who became a lieutenant in the Confederate Army, published the newspaper Freie Presse für Texas. Texas continues to celebrate the Texas-German heritage with events such as Octoberfest, Wurstfest, Schützenfeste, and German Culture Month.

The German immigrants’ mark on Texas is found in place names, like Schulenburg and Shiner; it’s heard in the popular cultural influences of Adolf Hofner, and the accordion in Tejano and Zydeco music; and it’s experienced in the easy-going temperament in the face of tremendous obstacles that gave Texas its motto, “the friendly state."

Rock, Paper, Scissors - Advanced Rules

I'm still trying to figure out how this would work...

Goal: Get 10 points...or get thrown out of parties :)

Landslides in Brazil - The Big Picture -

"Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more. Nearly 14,000 people are now homeless, 759 are reported to have been killed and another 400 remain missing in this, Brazil's worst-ever natural disaster. As soldiers make their way to remote towns with aid and transportation, Brazil's government has said it would accelerate efforts to build up a nationwide disaster-prevention and early-warning system. Collected here are photos from the mountainous regions near Rio that were so hard-hit by these landslides."

Here's a series of a few dozen photographs with a sample below: Landslides in Brazil - The Big Picture -

PSFK » Reading Patterns Of Mobile Device Users

PSFK » Reading Patterns Of Mobile Device Users:

"The graph of when users are reading on the iPad shows the biggest time for reading: personal prime time.

This is generally the most relaxing time of day. After a long day, work is done, dinner is resting in your belly and there is nothing left to do but put your feet up and relax. This time slot is the same one coveted by television. When the majority of people are consuming content it seems perfectly natural that people would use this time to do their reading as well.

Not surprising, if you look back at the graphs for computer and iPhone reading, you’ll see spikes during this same time (8 – 10 PM) appear on all graphs."

Space Hoppers in Venice


2 min video, how fun!

SPACE HOPPERS in VENICE from bayougirl on Vimeo.

FP Explainer: Who Are the Knights of Malta -- and What Do They Want? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

FP Explainer: Who Are the Knights of Malta -- and What Do They Want? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy:

"Despite having no fixed territory besides its headquarters building in Rome, the order is considered a sovereign entity under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins -- though these are mostly for novelty value -- and enjoys observer status at the United Nations, which classifies it as a nonstate entity like the Red Cross. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The order does not have official relations with the United States, though it has offices in New York, for the United Nations delegation, and Washington, for its representation at the Inter-American Development Bank."

Close Encounters of the Buddhist Kind - An FP Photo Essay | Foreign Policy [#ForeignPolicy]

Close Encounters of the Buddhist Kind - An FP Photo Essay | Foreign Policy:

"The Bangkok-based Dhammakaya movement dons saffron robes...its flamboyant ceremonies have become increasingly bold displays of power for this cult-like Buddhist group that was founded in the 1970s, ironically, as a reform movement opposed to the excesses of organized religion in Thailand...Dhammakaya has diligently worked to avoid the limelight. Until now. Over the past year, photographer Luke Duggleby and reporter Ron Gluckman have been granted unrivaled access to the facilities and ceremonies of Dhammakaya, and they provide an exclusive look at this mesmerizing movement."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Music Works - Part 2 - Rhythm

Here's the 2nd hour in the series, all about Rhythm.

Rhythm (from Greek ῥυθμός – rhythmos, "any regular recurring motion, symmetry") is a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions." In other words, rhythm is simply the timing of the musical sounds and silences. While rhythm most commonly applies to sound, such as music and spoken language, it may also refer to visual presentation, as "timed movement through space."

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Music Works - Part 1 - Melody

There are 4 parts to this Series.

Part 1 - Melody
Part 2 - Rhythm
Part 3 - Harmony
Part 4 - Bass

This is all the videos in Part 1, Melody.

1 of 5

2 of 5

3 of 5

4 of 5

5 of 5

"[Football] isn't just violent, it's a 'celebration' of violence..."

Violence in football: 'Animalistic' but necessary - The Week:

"last weekend, two players were battered in bone-shattering plays that could have sent them to the hospital. Yet there's no reason to 'feel the least bit upset or concerned,' says Bissinger. Football can't be tamed — it is by nature 'animalistic' and 'raw.' The sport isn't just violent, it's a 'celebration' of violence. Take away the 'savagery' and 'the game will be nothing.' Here, an excerpt:"

"...I will lay me down."

Touching and powerful.

"I'll take your part when darkness comes and pain is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water...I will lay me down."

Definition of Henchman

Dictionary - Definition of henchman:

Excerpt: "The word henchman (Germanic irregular plural: henchmen) referred originally to one who attended on a horse, that is, a horse groom. Hence, like constable and marshal, also originally stable staff, henchman became the title of a (subordinate) official in a royal court or noble household. It is now used primarily to describe a stock character in many adventure stories: the villain'sPublish Post lackey."

Monday, January 17, 2011

No One Sees You Like Your Dog Does

Love it! Wish we could have dogs here...I miss my golden.

"Eminence grise"

"Eminence grise"

  "An éminence grise (French for "grey eminence") is a powerful advisor or decision-maker who operates secretly or unofficially. This phrase originally referred to François Leclerc du Tremblay, the right-hand man of Cardinal Richelieu. Leclerc was a Capuchin friar who wore grey, or rather brown, robes. Brown or light brown (now called "beige") was called grey in that era...Although Leclerc du Tremblay never achieved that rank, it is probable that those around him may have addressed him thus in reference to the considerable influence this "grey friar" held over "his Eminence the Cardinal".

  "A grey eminence may alternatively mean an elderly (grey-haired) individual who is eminent for accomplishments in the past, but today acts as an advisor rather than a principal actor, and may be politically influential as a consequence of his honored status. For example a distinguished retired physics professor; a politician who retired with a good reputation; etc."  --Wikipedia

Also: "The power behind the throne"

  "The phrase power behind the throne refers to a person or group that informally exercises the real power of an office. In politics, it most commonly refers to a spouse, aide, or advisor of a political leader (often called a "figurehead") who serves as de facto leader, setting policy through influence or manipulation.

  "The original concept of a power behind the throne was a Medieval-era figure of speech referring to the fact that the king's policies could be set by a counselor not seated in the throne but standing behind it—perhaps whispering in the king's ear—out of common sight. Among the earliest examples of such powerful advisors were the Mayors of the Palace under the Merovingian kings."  --Wikipedia

Rise of the Hans - By Joel Kotkin | Foreign Policy

Rise of the Hans - By Joel Kotkin | Foreign Policy

Just a sample of what he's reasoning on:

"With China's new prominence in global affairs, the Han race, which constitutes 90 percent of the Chinese population, is suddenly the most dominant cohesive ethnic group in the world -- and it is seeking to remain that way through strategic alliances, aggressive trade policy, and attacks on racial minorities within the country's boundaries. The less tribally cohesive, more fragmented West is, meanwhile, losing out.

Almost 20 years ago, I wrote a book called Tribes that sought to trace the role of ethnicity, race, and religion in economic and geopolitical affairs. At the time, there was some skepticism about the continuing influence of ethnicity; some considered the work, frankly, regressive and racist. Now, however, my thesis from 1992 has really come to fruition. We are living in the age of tribes -- and China is just the start.

Such primitive racial instincts were supposed to be long ago passé: We're supposed to be living in Thomas Friedman's "flat" world or Kenichi Ohmae's "borderless world." By now, supposedly, everyone is increasingly interconnected and undifferentiated. Affairs should be managed neatly by deracinated professionals, working on their iPads from Brussels, Washington, or any of the other "global" capitals."

Why America's credit rating might be cut, and why it matters - The Week

Maybe the American government should spend a misfit teenager.

Wah wah waaaah...
Why America's credit rating might be cut, and why it matters - The Week

Sunday, January 16, 2011

US Government LSD Research - 10 min

Scary how brainless she becomes.

"yes everything is one...I am one with what I am...I can see everything in color...I've never seen such infinite beauty in my life...this is reality...are you looking..."

Human Planet - Web exclusive series trailer - BBC One

Humans and their cultures really are so fascinating...what divertity we have created from our surroundings. I look forward to the forever ahead of us to see what develops.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

BBC Documentary: The Century of the Self (Part 2 of 4)

Some insight into the history of the current psychoanalytic movement.

A sample of what is touched on:

"The Institute of Motivational Research" with Dr. Earnest Victor - Americans are "Fundamentally Irrational Beings"..."He would interview them, but not ask them direct questions..."

Betty Crocker was a ground-breaking test case...cake mix.  Housewives felt guilt about how easy it was to make a cake, so they created a greater since of participation by including one extra step...add an egg.

'Must know the needs to fully exploit the take away their defenses.'

A strategy for a stable society...create identity bonds with commercial products so that your personal image is tied to that you are dependent on it.

Produce individuals capable of participating in a democracy...that would submit to a democratic society.

The original case study for the promotion of psychoanalysis fell apart decades later, proving its limitations and false presumptions...yet this was ignored and "swept under the rug" because the ability to manipulate individuals was now too valuable.

Rather than reduce the fear of communism, the government chose to increase the fear in order to "guide them from above" and take rationality out of the public dialog.

The case of United Fruit's propoganda war againt Guatemala.  The Middle American Press Institute was invented to pump lies into the mainstream media.

It's an hour, and it's part 2 or 4.

Missy Higgins- Where I Stood (COVER)

Another gorgeous cover from Daniela.

Testing a shark-inspired hydropower turbine

Pretty cool...they mimic a shark to get a 40% increase in turbine efficiency. Chalk one more up for design in nature.