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Saturday, January 15, 2011

BBC Documentary: The Century of the Self (Part 2 of 4)

Some insight into the history of the current psychoanalytic movement.

A sample of what is touched on:

"The Institute of Motivational Research" with Dr. Earnest Victor - Americans are "Fundamentally Irrational Beings"..."He would interview them, but not ask them direct questions..."

Betty Crocker was a ground-breaking test case...cake mix.  Housewives felt guilt about how easy it was to make a cake, so they created a greater since of participation by including one extra step...add an egg.

'Must know the needs to fully exploit the take away their defenses.'

A strategy for a stable society...create identity bonds with commercial products so that your personal image is tied to that you are dependent on it.

Produce individuals capable of participating in a democracy...that would submit to a democratic society.

The original case study for the promotion of psychoanalysis fell apart decades later, proving its limitations and false presumptions...yet this was ignored and "swept under the rug" because the ability to manipulate individuals was now too valuable.

Rather than reduce the fear of communism, the government chose to increase the fear in order to "guide them from above" and take rationality out of the public dialog.

The case of United Fruit's propoganda war againt Guatemala.  The Middle American Press Institute was invented to pump lies into the mainstream media.

It's an hour, and it's part 2 or 4.

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